
There are people in this world who program their children to do evil.  There is nothing new under the sun, of course, and this kind of thing has been happening from the beginning.

One woman escaped from the group she was born into, and she managed to tell her story on the Internet.  You can read about it here, but be warned, it is heartbreaking and breathtakingly evil.  I believe her story because she seems earnestly repentant, and because she put herself and her family at great risk by sharing it.

She describes her role in the ritual torture and betrayal of young children in order to fragment their personalities.  She then trained the various fragmented personalities to behave in certain ways and to believe certain things.  The 1957 movie The Three Faces of Eve is the true story of a woman with three separate and distinct personalities who are eventually reunited into one.  Eve's dissociation was caused by trauma.

As adults, the abused victims are "assets" to be used for political and other purposes.  They are puppets.  They can be activated by prearranged triggers to do anything:  act in a movie, serve as a politician, or assassinate a government official.  They are all programmed to return to their handlers, and to commit suicide, if necessary.  Think of the fictional character Jason Bourne, only in real life.  Sounds crazy, but that is her story.

Clearly, the Darkness is behind all of this, the same Darkness that opposes Jesus and His apprentices.

Thinking about it, we are all programmed with both true and false teachings.  Our parents taught us as children and we learned many things in school.  We also learn from popular culture, advertisements and government laws and regulations.  The Church also teaches us.  How much of it is true, and how much is false?

I believe the Holy Spirit teaches us many things, too, if we listen to Him.  The Bible says we are to "renew our mind."  What does that mean?  I think it is to "deprogram" from all the false things we have been taught, and "reprogram" with things we need to know to serve in The Kingdom.  I believe that is my ongoing experience.

Jesus came to save His people from their sins.  He sets us free from the chains of error, and He leads us out of the "cages" we have been in all of our lives.  We cannot be free if we stay in the cage.

Come out.  Be free.

All glory to God!



UPDATE, July 5, 2022...

My parents taught me to look both ways before crossing a street.  That's good programming, and it undoubtedly saved my life many times.

My parents also told me Santa Claus brought me presents on Christmas Day.  Eventually, I learned "Santa Claus" was actually Mom and Dad.  We continued the charade, however, because I liked getting the gifts and our family treated it as a joke throughout my teenage years.

My wife's story was different.  Her oldest cousin told her Santa was Mom and Dad.  She refused to believe it and devised an experiment to prove Santa was real.

She wanted a particular doll for Christmas, one that "spoke" with a recorded message when prompted by pulling a cord.  The dolls came in different varieties and with different colors of hair.  She told her mother she wanted her doll to have a particular color of hair, and she secretly told Santa the color of hair she really wanted.

On Christmas Morning, she opened the gift from Santa and immediately broke into tears.  Her mother asked, "What's the matter?  It's the one you wanted!"

She replied through her tears, "I told Santa I wanted [the other color]!!!"  And that was it.  Heart broken.  Pretty smart little girl!

Very early in our relationship she told me, "Don't ever lie to me."  That Santa experience had not been her only betrayal.  Fortunately, I believe I managed to maintain her trust throughout our relationship.

My wife and I played the "Santa game" with our children because that is how we were programmed, but as I learned about sin and that all lying is sin, I became convicted.  I confessed to my children that we had been lying to them and that we were going to be honest with them about it.  They had been hearing rumors from their cousins and friends, but I wanted them to hear it directly from me, their father.  We did continue with traditions, but it was with full disclosure.

I now realize "Santa" strategically destroys faith.  Children are wired by God to believe their parents so they can learn about Jesus and believe in Him.  The "Santa lie" proves to a child that Mom and Dad are liars and are untrustworthy.  Why should they believe them about Jesus?

This is just one way the world programs us.  I'm sure you can think of others.

UPDATE, September 13, 2022...

Here are some more examples of programming.

I just re-watched the pilot and first two episodes of the television series, "ER."  There were fifteen (15) seasons, spanning from 1994 to 2009.  I believe the timing was strategic and prepared the world for 'medical' things to come.

Prior to this series, hospital emergency rooms were unknown and foreign to most people.  Only those who actually needed emergency medical care had any experiences with them, and those experiences were probably not fun.  And they were rare.

This program (there's that word again) changed that.  It taught us all about emergency rooms and the people who inhabit them.  It prepared us to see "the ER" as a normal part of life.

I noticed this programming in the first three programs:

  • Doctors are my friends.
  • Invasive medical procedures and devices are normal.
  • Drugs fix problems.
  • Doctors don't have all the answers, ... but they have all the answers.
  • People die; gotta move on.
  • We need a single-payer health system.
  • Suicide is like an illness that people recover from, and I can get positive attention from everyone.
  • Husbands and fathers beat their wives and kids.
  • The state can take away my kids, and that's a good thing.
  • Guns are bad; we must get rid of them.
  • Dementia eventually happens.
  • Recreational sex with anyone is a lot of fun.
  • The theme song is deeply embedded in my mind. 

That's quite a list, and that was just the first three out of many.  Looking back, I can see this series did a lot to prepare me for what has happened in recent years.  I was programmed.

Here is a more recent one.  Our family typically does not play games, but in 2017 my wife and I spent time with our adult daughters by playing various games.  One of the games my wife acquired was Pandemic.  She and I actually played it a lot ourselves because I liked the colors and feel of the pieces.  Seriously, I did, and I don't think that was by chance.

The copyright date of the game is ©2012; we played it in 2017; in 2020 the world experienced a "pandemic."  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

I read a number of Tom Clancy novels when I was a young man.  I was enthralled because they seemed to reveal secrets and strengths of the US Military.  These are some of the things I 'learned':

  • The Russians are bad.
  • The US Military has incredible capabilities.
  • The Russians are formidable, but not formidable enough.
  • American muscle is cool.
  • The Russians are bad.
  • Vietnam was... wait.  What was Vietnam1 again?
  • A-10 'warthog' tank-killing airplanes are cool.
  • The Russians are bad.
  • Nuclear war is inevitable.
  • The Russians are bad.

By the time the First Gulf War had ramped up (1990/91), I was flying a U.S. Title 4 stars-and-stripes war flag from the front porch of my house, and sending packages of cookies and letters to unknown soldiers in the desert.  I was glued to CNN most of my waking hours when I was not at work, and I wore a shirt with a picture of Saddam Hussein in crosshairs saying, "Insane Hussein, time for your medication."  I was programmed to support the destruction of, and eventual pillaging and seizure of, the land of ancient Babylon.

Yeah.  I repent.  Thank you, Yeshua.

1 UPDATE, September 30, 2022...

UPDATE, December 18, 2022...

The video is by Paul Hardcastle, and is called "19."  It was released in 1985.

The age restriction was recently added.  Hmmmm... 🤔