Intended Audience

I am writing this blog to fellow disciples of Jesus (Yeshua).  Disciples of Jesus have repented of their sins against God, believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, been completely immersed in water (baptized) and received the Holy Spirit.  A few of my writings try to help people achieve those things, but I recognize they are all works of the Holy Spirit and my participation may only be a small part of what happens in their cases.  That's okay.  This is all God's project, not mine.  I discussed that in one of my early posts.

I am happy if anyone listens to what I have to say, but I know that the things I am talking about require spiritual discernment, which only comes through the Holy Spirit.  That is why I write to those with "eyes to see and ears to hear."  If that's you, great!  Welcome!  If it's not you, and you haven't left me by now, please feel free to move on and go in peace.  You will not offend me by doing so.  I want to be at peace with everybody.

Saying that, I will challenge, and perhaps offend, some people.  Frankly, if I don't do that then I am probably not doing my job.  We who follow Jesus are to do the things that he did, and he spoke Truth.  Sometimes Truth is offensive.  We must preach repentance and we must talk about sin.  People don't like that, but it is absolutely necessary for living a holy life.  Where there is no repentance there is no forgiveness.  We must humble ourselves and listen to each other, as the Holy Spirit guides us in removing the crust from our lives so we can live holy and be holy.  It is only through holiness that we will be able to approach God and experience His Kingdom.  There is no other way.


This blog is also my testimony.  As I live and have experiences, I desire to share them with others and this is the outlet God has provided for me.  I think it is interesting to read through my earlier posts and see how I have changed.


I generally suggest people start by reading my featured post, Apprentice of Jesus.  I think it provides a good summary of how readers can assess where they see themselves, so they can decide whether or not they want to continue reading my blog.  I don't have all the answers but do believe having the right 'tool bag' is essential for following Yeshua the Master and understanding what He is doing.

After that, I suggest you start at the beginning and read all of the posts in chronological order.  I think you will discover some amazing things.


Grace and blessings to you.