The Rage of Neptune

Neptune Beach, FL -- June 18, 2016
Every baptism and every deliverance is an act of war, and Neptune Beach, Florida, was called a "war zone" by some on Saturday, June 18, 2016.  If you read my earlier post, Free, you will know I was there on that day and was delivered from numerous demons.  Hallelujah!

The picture on the right is of my 85-year-old mother being led out into the surf to be baptized in water and Spirit.  After the team dealt with her, they prayed for me, and I was set free.  It was amazing.  (I am in the orange shirt, with my hand on my mother's back.)  The weather was just plain unpleasant, with a spitting rain and chilly breeze coming in from the northeast.  I looked at the local weather radar on my phone, and there were thunderstorms all around us, but not where we were.  We were right on the edge.  The weather got uglier as people gathered before the baptisms started, but by the time they were finished the rain had ended and the sky had brightened.  Amazing!

In subsequent posts, I described how God sorted me out after my deliverance.  You can read them by clicking on the various titles under "Blog Archive," in the sidebar on the right.  In this post, I am going to talk about the battle after my deliverance.  All glory to God!  Thank you, Jesus!!!

I did not have any clue I had unclean spirits, but I knew things were not right.  Jesus commands his disciples to cast out demons, but the Church has been very delinquent in that task.  Judging by what happened at Neptune Beach, it seems to be very common for people to have unclean spirits.  That is why Jesus commands us to cast them out.  My pride was cut off at the knees, and I now have much more empathy and patience for everyone because I have a better understanding of the battle.

Creepy Encounter

After making sure my wife had received the Holy Spirit and had spoken in tongues, and after I made a Facebook friend while standing in the water, my mother, wife and I headed for the boardwalk that led back to town and to our vehicle.  There was a bench at the end of the boardwalk, and my mother sat down to clean the sand off of her feet and put her socks and shoes back on.  Sitting next to her was an old man, holding the stub of a cigarette in his leathery fingers.  I'm sorry, but he was just plain creepy.  He looked into my eyes and said something that mocked the Holy Spirit, which I will not repeat here.  My wife said he looked at her, too.  We left as soon as we could.

Now, I do not wish to say anything uncharitable about a fellow member of the human race, and I really have no idea who that person was, but when we were on our way back to the car, I got the impression that who we had just encountered was old "Neptune" himself -- the god of this world.  Since that day, the Holy Spirit has not corrected me at all about this, and my wife agrees it was very troubling.  Given what he said about the Holy Spirit, how he said it, where he was sitting, and what had been taking place below him in the water, the person was certainly from the darkness, and I believe it was Satan himself.  Shortly after writing this, my wife got a bad headache, which we dealt with using prayer.

In previous posts, I talked about how I needed to be "rewired," and how it seemed like I needed to learn how to drive again.  I also talked about three vivid dreams I had, and how the first one was the demons trying to come back.  I get chills just thinking about it as I write this!

Good Things

There were good and amazing things that happened after I was set free.  We had stumbled onto a McDonald's restaurant in Jacksonville on Friday while we were trying to follow a navigation system to a different one, and we felt we belonged there, so we made it our "home base" on that side of the river.  It turns out there was a man there who was handicapped, had difficulty communicating, and who frequented the establishment because people fed him there.  His name was Walter.  I talked to him, laid my hands on him, prayed for him, and fed him the biggest breakfast they had -- all things I would never have considered doing before.  I was bouncing around and looking for people to pray for, and my wife and mother were delighted with my transformation.  It was amazing!

We also had an amazing time the day after the baptisms on Sunday.  It was a day to connect with people, and we saw both light and darkness.  We spent much of our time with a dear sister who was part of the group we were with on Friday, when we got "kick started" at a Walmart and learned how to pray for people to be healed.  I was overjoyed to find someone else who understood me, besides my wonderful wife, of course.  We prayed for each other and arranged to talk again when we got home.

Travel Troubles

When we left Jacksonville on Monday, we first headed to Melbourne Beach to see my mom's brother and sister-in-law.  We ate lunch with them, and had a nice visit.  My uncle told me they had experienced the most torrential downpour he had ever seen on Saturday evening.  He also said the lightning was continuous.  I have only seen that a couple of times in my life myself, so I understood what he was talking about.

We left there and traveled down the barrier island to Vero Beach, where we then took a bridge back to the mainland.  As I drove, there were times when the word "freedom" started repeating in my head, just like I heard from the man God used to deliver me.  Eventually, I realized it was perhaps a warning I was being attacked spiritually.  Not having expected any of this, I was concerned the spirits were trying to come back.  I said to my wife it was like my "shields were up," to use some Star Trek lingo.  Jesus took care of me, of course, but I was still pretty rattled.  At some point, I also got sleepy.  It may have been due to my lunch, and eating certain foods we were not used to eating, but it happened more than once, and eventually a pattern developed that didn't necessarily correlate with food.  By the way, correlation does not imply causation.

When we got to the mainland, I was following our navigation system to the Fort Myers area, where my brother and his family live.  I was looking for Highway 60, but somehow the navigation system got us messed up, and I began to distrust it.  Eventually, I shut it off and resorted to "the old fashioned way" -- I got out the road atlas.  That didn't work either.  I got lost and could not find 60.  Around that time, I got a phone call from Willoughby, Ohio.  We don't know anybody from there, and it was at the most inopportune time.  Today, I just looked at my phone records, and they only show one "outgoing call" to that number.  (Huh?)  We didn't call them; they called us!  Strange.

By the way, Vero Beach, FL is where the "Acts 2 Disciple School" is located.  I did not realize that at the time, but it is an interesting correlation with my spiritual difficulties.  I know God is doing a lot of good things there, so it makes sense there would be a spiritual battle going on.

Eventually, I found State Highway 60, and it took me to Interstate 95.  I finally knew where I was!  After traveling south on 95 for a while, we got off at State Highway 70 and got something to eat.  We then headed across the state, per our original plan.  I still was not using the navigation systems -- we had tried using our phones, too.

After we had been traveling for a while, I got really sleepy again.  Yes, it could have been the food, but...  I pulled off the highway onto a side road, and my wife took over driving while I snoozed and prayed.  I was a mess, but she supported me.

My wife wanted the navigation system back on because she had no idea where we were going, so I set it back up.  When we were on US27 in the middle of farm country, the navigation system started telling us to turn off the main highway onto minor county roads.  We ignored it and turned the sound off.  We switched drivers again because she had had enough.  The navigational map was useful, but the device itself was somehow compromised.  Something was seriously messing with it.  We finally arrived at my brother's place late in the evening, and by then the attacks had subsided.

Family Visit

We spent several days with my brother's family, and it was a very nice time.  He had retired from his job in Michigan a couple of years before, but we had not made it down to visit them yet.  They enjoyed showing us their home and community, and we certainly enjoyed seeing it all and being with them.

In the days after my deliverance, I experienced complete freedom when it came to praying.  It had never been so easy to pray, and I was "like a kid in a candy store." It was like my wheels had been stuck in the mud, and now they were freewheeling.  I prayed for all kinds of things, and they just poured out.  It was amazing.  I certainly had a desire to pray before, but it was like a chore and had become difficult to do.  Now I understand why!  In my new state, I was praying for all kinds of things, and it was so joyful!

One of the crazy things I prayed for was the ability to "see Satan coming" in a way that would not be frightening to me.  The dear sister we spent time with on Sunday told us she often sees demons, and it frightens her.  Apparently her daughter has the same gift, or problem, depending upon how you look at it.  Having seen something "ugly" once before myself, I asked the Father to let me see them as clowns, and my prayer was in Jesus' name, of course.  I hate clowns, but they are just clowns.  As a baby, I must have been startled by a jack-in-the-box because I also hate the tune Pop Goes the Weasel.  As kids, we had a jack-in-the-box that played that song and had a creepy clown that popped out of it.  Why do parents give their kids such things?  Ugh.  (Check out the "origin" of the jack-in-the-box on Wikipedia here.  No wonder!)

There was really only one time I felt spiritually attacked while we were with my brother in the Fort Myers area.  We were driving back to our lodgings after having dinner with them, and all of a sudden I got sleepy again.  (Yes, I know.  Food.)  I pulled the car into a drug store parking lot and my wife went in to buy something while I went to sleep.  While we were there, about a dozen men with motorcycles were at a gas station across the street.  It wasn't long before they all mounted up and noisily took off down the road at high speed, one after the other.  Once they were gone, my sleepiness cleared up.  It was weird.

The Trip North

I was dreading the return north to Michigan.  Many years ago, when our older daughter was eleven, our family went on a "mission trip" to Mexico with a large group of people from the church we were members of.  It was an amazing time, and there were lots of spiritual things that happened while we were there.  On the way home, something got messed up in the airline's computer system.  My last name on my boarding card got changed to a misspelled form I have never liked, but the names on the other boarding cards of the rest of my family members stayed correct.  (We still have the boarding cards.)  It was a full flight and some people got bumped off the plane after they had boarded.  In waltzed an unpleasant man and two young women.  One of the women sat next to me in the aisle seat, where my daughter should have been, and my daughter had to sit with someone else in our large party.  The woman was dressed like a hooker, but I looked at the side of her face and felt compassion for her.  We were seated next to the engine in the back of the plane, behind a lavatory.  It was a very strange arrangement.  My wife was further up the plane with our other daughter.  The young woman sat back and placed her legs on the bulkhead of the lavatory in a very provocative way.  I tried to be friendly, so I engaged her in light conversation and asked her about herself.  She said that she was studying to be a sex therapist.  Oh boy.  I decided to "keep my eyes on Jesus," and started to read my Bible.  She stayed with us through a layover in San Antonio and the flight to Saint Louis, MO.  Near the end of our encounter, I decided to use the Sword of the Spirit and "witness" to her.  When the plane landed, she couldn't get out of there fast enough.  That was not the only attack I experienced on that trip, but it certainly was the most memorable.  (Yes, I told my wife all about it!)

Anyway, I knew it was going to be a rough trip home from Florida, and I planned to head back a different way than the way we had come.

Back in Jacksonville on Sunday, I told the dear sister that we had gotten there by traveling 1100 miles in an aging vehicle with front-end suspension issues.  We had taken it in for maintenance before we left, and asked them specifically to fix the front-end, but they couldn't find anything wrong.  We smiled and trusted God to get us where we needed to go.  The dear sister prayed about the car for us.  She asked God to give us a brand-new car, which I found a bit troubling, but everything else was very sweet.  She also asked God to shorten our trip in some way, but I don't remember specifically how she said it.  Later, when I discussed it with my wife, we had not heard the same things.  What I heard took me to the story about Philip and the Ethiopian in Acts 8, where the disciple disappeared and the Spirit miraculously and instantaneously took him away to someplace else.  I truly believed that was going to happen to us.  My wife heard about the new car, but nothing about a shortened trip.

So, I ended up coupling the dream I had about the truck accident with my absolutely certain knowledge that this woman had prophesied we were going to miraculously have our trip shortened by a thousand miles, and that it was going to happen before we left Florida.  I also figured it was going to be in the middle of a thunderstorm, because how else would God prevent other drivers from seeing us suddenly disappear?  This was all confirmed, of course, when I heard Vanessa Carlton's song A Thousand Miles playing while we were eating lunch in a restaurant the day we were heading north through Florida.  I was in tears because it seemed God was being so good to me.  My wife comforted me, although she did not know what was going on in my head.  I was deceived.

During the afternoon, once again, I got drowsy, and I stopped at a rest area and took a nap.  I was zonked out!  When I woke up and was ready to go, I turned the key and the starter would not engage.  The battery was drained.  I had left the headlights on.  We had gone through a thunderstorm and I had forgotten to turn them off when we stopped.  Great.  I had no idea what to do because I was still a bit groggy from sleeping, but my wife suggested getting a jump-start from somebody.  Hey, great idea, except we didn't have any jumper cables.  But, that's no problem, because God knows what's going on and there must be somebody here that has some cables and needs prayer, so I thought.

While we had been sitting there, we had been watching some people who were absolutely strange.  I'm sorry, but they were.  They appeared to be an older couple and their adult son.  She had a pronounced limp of some sort, and all three appeared to be, at least to me, rather clownish.  My mother and wife thought they were creepy.  I got out of the car and approached them, asking them if they had any jumper cables.  The father said that they did, but he was sorry.  We couldn't use them because they were in the trunk.  I asked if we could get them out, and he replied that we couldn't because they were in the trunk.  Finally, the son clarified matters and said that they were moving and that the jumper cables were in the truck.  Apparently there was a truck someplace else, but it wasn't where we were.  My wife was very glad they didn't have any jumper cables.

So, I walked away from them and waited for someone else to come along.  There was a woman sitting in the back seat of the car next to us, but I didn't want to frighten her so I didn't say anything.  Soon, a man and another woman came out of the restrooms and approached the same car.  I told the man my predicament and asked him if he had any jumper cables.  He didn't think so, but I looked at the woman who was standing inside the open driver's-side door, and she said that she thought they had some in their trunk.  They looked, and sure enough, they had some.  They pulled their car around and we got our vehicle started.  I then explained to the man where we had been and that I had prayed for people and they got healed.  He said he had no pain, but that he was going through a difficult divorce, which he did not want.  So, I prayed for him and his situation, thanked God for the opportunity, and gave him a Last Reformation movie card.  I was so confident, and it was so much fun! God is good!!

As we approached Georgia, I was having a difficult time dealing with my expectations concerning the "shortened trip."  As we entered Georgia, nothing happened.  I was both disappointed and relieved.  I was also embarrassed, although I had not told anyone about it at that point.  We stopped at the first big town, Valdosta, and looked for somewhere to spend the night.  I was exhausted.

I went to the first place I saw, because I felt God wanted us to stay there.  Ha, ha!  The place was crowded, and turned out to be the most expensive place we stayed at during the entire trip.  The elevator was small, overused and sloooow.  Shortly after we turned off the light to go to sleep, some kind of alarm buzzed loudly.  The next morning, my mother, who was staying in a separate room, was fifteen minutes early for breakfast and we were fifteen minutes late.  She was frustrated because the breakfast area was overcrowded and most of the food was gone.  We decided to eat somewhere else, so we returned upstairs to load up our bags.

After getting things ready in our room, I went to the lobby to get one of two luggage carts, and none were available.  I waited.  While I waited, one of the carts showed up loaded with bags.  The people who were using it left one of their young girls with the cart in the lobby while they went over to a table, sat down and talked for a long time with some others who were eating breakfast.  I waited.  And I waited.  And the girl waited.  And I forgave them.  And I forgave them some more.  Finally, an empty cart showed up from the parking lot, and as I was taking it across the lobby, the man with the other one had relieved the girl of guard duty and was wheeling his luggage across the lobby to the hotel door.  I think he saw me and realized that I had been waiting for a cart all that time, but there was no apology.  That's okay.  We moved on.

We got loaded up and drove down the road to a McDonald's.  When we pulled in, I parked near the entrance, next to a "handicapped only" space where a man was getting out of his car.  As he walked into the restaurant ahead of us, it was apparent he had a significant limp.  I figured if he left the restaurant at the same time we did, then it was the signal I was supposed to offer to pray for him.  That is exactly what happened, with the assistance of some slight delaying tactics on my part.  (Hey, I wanted to do this!)  Right in front of my wife and mother, I asked the man what the problem was, and he proceeded to tell me all about every pain he had and every decrepit part of his body.  He went on and on and on about it.  I just smiled.  I told him I had prayed for some people and they got healed.  All of a sudden he had to get going, and he declined the prayer.  My mother said, "He didn't know what he was missing."  We still laugh about it, although it really wasn't funny.  I guess he just wasn't ready.


At some point during all of this, I came to the conclusion that I can't handle this kind of spiritual warfare, if that is what it is.  I remember stopping at another rest area and telling Jesus that I'd had enough.  I repented.  I realized that He was sitting right next to the Father, so I asked him to intercede for me and ask the Father to give me whatever it was I needed, because I surely didn't know!  From that point forward, I began to gain peace.  I was done with "spiritual warfare," and I was going to leave it all to Jesus.

After we went through Atlanta, I got off of I-75 and headed for Nashville.  We spent the night in a much smaller place in Tennessee, and it was so peaceful.  The next day, we traveled to Northern Kentucky, and spent the night in a town where we lived when our children were born.  It was like being home.  We went to our favorite pizza place, and it tasted as wonderful as we remembered.  The next day we traveled up through Indiana and on home.  We had no unexplained troubles with the navigation system during the entire trip north.

Two days after we were back, I took the car into the same service department and had them look at the front end again.  They came back and told me they could not let the car leave because the vehicle was in an "unroadworthy condition."  Of course it was!  The construction zones in Indiana pounded the suspension so much that we could hear pieces of metal jingling around every time we went over a bump.  They fixed it and we are still driving the same vehicle.  We traveled 3410.6 miles with a bad front end -- thank you, Jesus!

Why have I told you all of this?  Because even if we have the full Gospel, and have been delivered from unclean spirits, we are still subject to spiritual deception, lies and the tricks of the Devil.  It is not about him; it is about Jesus, but we need to understand what we are dealing with, and more importantly, we need to be forgiving and give grace to everyone, especially to those who are brothers and sisters in Christ.  It is for these reasons that Jesus commands us to do such things as:
  • Love one another.
  • Forgive one another.
  • Pray for one another.
  • Listen to and follow the Holy Spirit.
  • Heal the sick.
  • Cast out demons.
  • Lovingly follow protocol when dealing with sin.  (Matthew 18)
  • Repent, strive to keep a clean heart, and be holy.
  • Stay humble, because we can all be deceived.
  • ... and discern truth by two or three witnesses.

You might think I was "nuts" during this time, and you would be wrong.  I was perfectly sane, but I was being influenced by the darkness.  Old Neptune lost some of his influence and control over me, but he still had his tricks.  Jesus has healed me spiritually and closed up the gaps that had allowed Satan in, but if I drift away from the Holy Spirit, I will make myself vulnerable.  I am absolutely terrified of being separated from God, and I love him so much because he rescued me from things I knew nothing about.

I am so grateful to have had this experience.  It humbled me.  It tore down my pride.  It made me empathetic to others, and it taught me priceless lessons about what we are up against.  The issues and problems I had before Jacksonville are still with me, except I now know my mother and wife "have the full package," and that they have changed, as have I.  But there is still much work to do, and I know even better now that "it is not my project."

Jesus, thank you so much for what you have done for me.  I cannot adequately express my thankfulness, and I am afraid I am unworthy of even trying to understand you, or even approach you.  My love is so great.  My spirit is so willing, but my flesh is so weak.  I can think of nothing else but following you.

Oh, please, dear brothers and sisters, it is not our project; it is the Father's project.  It is not about us; it is about Jesus.  It is not our efforts that are going to win the battles; it is through our willingness and obedience to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit that we will see God do amazing things.  I tell you all of this because I love you, and I want you to share in the joy that I have, and that Jesus is desperate for you to have.  Please get on your faces.  Plead for understanding.  Ask Him to reveal to you the things in you that displease him, and confess your sins.  Repent from unholy behavior and disobedience.  Do what He tells you to do.

By the way, I am still not really sure what all the sleepiness episodes were about in Florida, but perhaps it was something similar to what the disciples experienced while Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.  I will have to pray some more about that.  Interesting.

God is good.  All glory to Him!  Thank you, Jesus!!!


UPDATE, July 12, 2022...

Notice the date of this post?
9 + 2 = 11


So, ... I need to explain.  The picture is from the British movie Clockwise, starring John Cleese as headmaster (principal), Mister Stimpson.  My wife and I saw it in a theater when we lived there, and when our children were old enough we all had fun quoting many of its lines to one another.  "Nine twenty" was one of our most common quotations.  I have a wall clock that I got tired of winding every day, so I stopped it and put the hands on 9:20.  It's been that way for years.

We liked the movie because we lived there and had experienced the British culture.  Our girls started school there, and they had their own version of "Mister Stimpson," who was actually a very kind and nice man.

More recently, I've learned the significance of 9:20.  The digits add to eleven (11), which symbolizes twin pillars.  It's a Masonic symbol, and is related to the Hegelian Dialectic.

It's actually very dark.  I believe Cleese has Illuminati connections, as do many in Hollywood, and the symbolism in his works, like "9:20" and its context, provides evidence for that opinion.  (Mister Stimpson:  "What's nine twenty?"  Boy in the long line of students in the hallway:  "Executions, sir.")

I discussed the symbolism in some of my other posts, and describe some of the details in Pearls.


UPDATE, August 19, 2022...

(Click to enlarge.)

This photo was definitely taken on June 18, 2016 on Neptune Beach, Florida.  The man God used to show me how to heal the sick in a Walmart store is in the photo, and so is the man God used to set me free.  It really was a "war zone."

The Last Reformation people published this picture on their website or social media.  I took a screen shot of it because it meant a lot to me.

UPDATE, October 5, 2022...

People have invested a lot of money in ocean-front and near-ocean-front properties.  The Fort Myers area is a classic example.  The ocean is a beautiful place and people like living there, especially on barrier islands.

Hurricanes form barrier islands.  Their winds push massive amounts of water inland, and when the winds subside that water rushes back into the sea, carrying soil with it.  That water goes through cuts leaving much of the actual beach intact.  Those beaches are the barrier islands, and the formerly flooded areas are swamps and inter-coastal waterways.

This landscape is periodically impacted by normal tropical storms.  The combination of people's desires to live by the ocean, their resources of wealth, and the inevitable reoccurrence of tropical weather results in a predictable high risk of catastrophic financial loss.

How can this situation be used to generate massive profits?  Government-services corporations are in business to make a profit.  They do that by providing government services.  Who deals with the emergencies and aftermath of disasters?  Government.  Government-services corporations, to be more accurate.  Hmmm.... 🤔

Hurricane Irma, September, 2017
When we visited my brother in 2016, I "prayer walked" many times while I was there.  How I did that and my motivations for doing it are between me and the LORD, but it happened.  About a year later, Hurricane Irma came up the Florida Gulf Coast.  Everyone was concerned that particular storm would rake the coast with 'right-quadrant' winds and storm surge, but it moved inland and had much less impact than expected.

I plotted the track of that hurricane and the places I had prayed the year before.  It's almost like those prayers resulted in a barrier that forced the storm to turn away from my brother's location.  As I have discussed on this blog, the Spiritual Realm is real, and I am convinced those who are with me are more than those who are with them (2 Kings 6:16).  Did my actions influence the path of that storm?  I don't know, but it is an interesting question.

Most people consider weather to be an "act of God."  If God can be influenced by our prayers, then we can indirectly control the weather through Him.

Can men control the weather through their own natural and carnal means?  If they have enough wealth and resources, can they steer hurricanes to make a profit?  Hmmm.... 🤔

My brother is "homeless" at the moment.  Hurricane Ian recently made landfall at Fort Myers, and Estero Island suffered the most damage.  His place is still intact, but it is uninhabitable because infrastructure was destroyed.  He thinks it will be months before they might be able to live there again.  Apparently 90% of the homes on that island are irreparably damaged or gone.  He doesn't think the place will ever be the same.

As the storm approached, it was predicted the storm surge would be around twelve (12) to eighteen (18) feet above normal, and I was horrified.  I knew the right-front quadrant of the storm would be impacting Estero Island, and that is the most dangerous part of a hurricane.

This is the actual path of Hurricane Ian (2022).  It intensified after it came off of Cuba and became a strong Category 4 storm as it approached Fort Myers.

If I wanted to maximize damage as much as possible in order to ultimately profit from the destruction, and had the ability to steer and intensify a hurricane, what would I target?  Probably an area with high investment along the ocean.

Fort Myers, perhaps?  🤔

But how is that possible?  Hey!  I'm an engineer, and it actually seems pretty simple to me.

Hurricanes are fueled by energy.  Where does that energy come from?  The sun?  When do hurricanes occur?  Autumn, in the Northern Hemisphere, typically September.  This is after the sun has warmed the ocean all summer and water temperatures are above 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hurricanes spin because of the geometry and motion of the earth.  The coriolis effect is due to the earth's rotation.  It causes water to circle the drain of our bathtubs when we empty them, and it causes storms to rotate.  Rising air causes counter-clockwise rotation in the Northern Hemisphere, and that is why thunderstorms typically move from southwest to northeast in Midwestern America, where I live.

Hurricanes intensify when they move over warmer water.  As an engineer, how might I be able to make the water warmer?

How does a microwave oven work?  It uses microwaves to heat the food.  That food contains water.

Microwave electromagnetic radiation is a form of light; we just cannot see it.  It is useful because it specifically heats water.  Just like direct sunlight warms our skin, microwaves heat water, and they can do it deep inside of a potato.  That is why we have microwave ovens in our kitchens.

How much energy does a microwave oven put into food?  Typically 1000 watts.  A typical light bulb uses 100 watts of energy.  It's all a matter of equipment and infrastructure.  Our appliances are plugged into the electric grid.


So, is there a way to use microwaves to heat the ocean in the path of, or inside of, a hurricane?  I only have to heat the top surface because that is where water vapor is generated.  How much energy would that take, and what kind of equipment would I need?  I do not know the answers to those questions, but I'm sure other engineers and scientists have figured it out.  Seems plausible to me.

How would I get that energy to its target?  Seems like a high location would be ideal.  How about space?  Hmmm.... 🤔

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are a thing.  People talk about them on the Internet, and movies certainly use them as fictional realities.  Do space-based DEW's actually exist, and are they used to influence the weather?  Seems pretty plausible to me.

If I had access to 'unlimited' resources and influence, how might I direct energy into a hurricane to increase its intensity and potentially steer it?  Given my understanding of Midwestern weather, I would inject the water-vapor energy into the southeastern quadrant of the low pressure system because that is where I see the most powerful thunderstorms develop in storms systems where I live.  The coriolis effect increases lift of air in the northern-moving storm winds, and this will result in lots of rain on the northern, front part of a hurricane such as Ian.

And guess what?  That's exactly what happened with Ian.  The warm air rose on the eastern side of the storm and the water condensed as rain on the northern and western side of it.

In fact, as the storm made landfall, most of the rainfall occurred north of Fort Myers.  Hmmm... 🤔

What about steering?  I am less certain about it but presume there are ways to target the heating so the updrafts affect the movement of the center of circulation.  I'm sure the jerks who play with this stuff learned how to manipulate things as they gained experience.  Experimentation is a good teacher.

Click to enlarge
I am convinced they intensified Ian and then drove it into shore directly at Fort Myers.  It's too much of a coincidence.  I don't believe in coincidence.  Not anymore.

Speaking of coincidence, here is another reason I think this whole thing was nefarious... from a long time ago.

The Florida highway that runs down Estero Island is number 865.

8 + 6 + 5 = 19


The Post Office Zipcode for Fort Myers Beach, FL is 33931.

3 + 3 + 9 + 3 + 1 = 19


And the date the hurricane made landfall was September 28.


9 + 2 + 8 = 19



Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nineteen.  Nineteen.1


2 19 = Destruction

1 + 9 = 10  --->  1


Nothing.  Isolation.  Alone.


Same culprits.  Same motivation...

Profit.  💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


Those we have been taught to trust are the most evil...

UPDATE, October 6, 2022...

Added the "Welcome to Georgia" picture.

UPDATE, October 8, 2022...

2 Made revisions to clarify and explain my points.


The men who were 19 in 1965 would be how old today?


Those who managed to survive the Vietnam War are our present-day elders in 2022.
Would those elders have been the men most likely to encourage taking up arms against evil?
Were the warriors in the American population culled?

What did that war do to those would-be elders who survived?
Are they still traumatized?
Are they less likely to be able to provide wisdom and guidance to today's younger men?
Are there fewer elder men than there would have been had the Vietnam War not happened?
Was the Vietnam War a strategic ploy to minimize eventual organized resistance to tyranny in our present day?

What about the two Gulf Wars?  Same thing?
Those who were 19 in 1991 are now 50.
Those who were 19 in 2003 are now 38.
There's your leadership.
Spent and exhausted.

What is Gulf War Syndrome?

We must think like vermin in order to understand vermin. 🐀
We must understand vermin in order to defeat them.


UPDATE, December 18, 2022...

1The video is by Paul Hardcastle, and is called "19."  It was released in 1985.

The age restriction was recently added.  Hmmmm... 🤔 

Renumbered the footnotes to maintain proper order.

UPDATE, May 23, 2023...

Facebook, Gage Goulding - NBC-2

My brother told me yesterday that an NBC journalist visited Fort Myers Beach (FMB) to do a follow-up story about the impact of Hurricane Ian.  It gave locals an opportunity to have some national exposure to their situation.

I recently spent some time at a new "free" coffee shop in the Village of Sanford, Michigan, where a catastrophic failure of two dams thrust the local people into the national spotlight for a couple of days in May of 2020 (right in the middle of "pandemic"/lockdown/mask-wearing hysteria).  That was three years ago.  Those people went through what the FMB folks have recently gone through:  a heart-breaking, life-changing disaster, months of mourning and clean-up, and resilient efforts to get back to normal as much as possible.  They were visited by celebrities, too, and they gushed at the attention, just like the FMB folks.

Let's step back and expand our thinking.  In my discussion, above, I expressed my opinion that the FMB/Hurricane Ian tragedy was a false flag event to generate huge profits for the principals of corporations engaged in government services and demolition/reconstruction.  I believe the Sanford tragedy was the same, and I am prepared to back that up, although to do so here is beyond the scope of this discussion.  The visits by celebrities are a key part of the scheme.

NBC is a MUNICIPAL corporation.  It is a foreign-owned franchise of the Holy See (Pope), as are all corporations on the planet.

The gematria of "NBC" is:  N = 14, B = 2, C = 3

14 + 2 + 3 = 19


Isn't that interesting, especially given my earlier discussion, above?

Bread and Circuses.  Look it up.  It's Roman standard operating procedure.  Visits by celebrities are circuses.  Their intent is to appease the victims of their crimes.  Happy slaves are docile SLAVES.  They don't rebel.


Sanford Dam failure, 5/20/2020

The peoples of FMB and Sanford were promised help from "the government," but in both cases the people were not impressed by what was actually provided.  But what else could they do?  They had no resources of their own, and "the government" was in authority, ... well, it appeared to be.

Who benefits from these situations?


Who loses?

Small, independent businesses?

Come-on, folks.  It's time to wake up...

Fruit That Will Last

Disciples of Jesus, fruit that will last.

Heal the sick,

Cast out demons,

Preach the Gospel,

Make disciples.

The sheep are in cages, but the doors are open.

The wolf wants to be the Shepherd (Isaiah 11:6).

What was once inerrant has changed.

They don't serve breakfast in hell.

Time is short.

Yeshua is the King of Israel!

Praise His Name!!!


Listen only to Him.

Who ARE These Guys?

Beloved, I am going to tell you some things because I love you, and want you to be aware of our enemy's tactics.  Please ask God for understanding.  Remember, Jesus commands us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ.  I am a brother in Christ.

If you have not received the full Gospel, then please stop reading this and go get it.  You will not understand this, even if you think you do.

If you have any unconfessed sin in your life, then you are not right with God and you will not understand this, even if you think you do.  Please go ask God to show you how you are grieving Him, and ask Him to help you deal with it.  Then, please come back here and revel in what, I believe, He wants to show you.  I am so full of His joy to be talking about these things!

If you have not read my testimony, which consists of numerous blog posts, please stop reading this now and go read them all, from the beginning, starting with "Well, You're Wrong, And I'm Going To Tell You Why."  You will eventually work up to this post, and then it will mean something.

If you have done all of those things, you will recognize the image in the picture, above.  I am going to talk about "those guys."

Right now, Jesus is setting many people free, and I was mercifully blessed to be one of them.  It has been a little over two months since Neptune Beach in Jacksonville, Florida, and Jesus has been giving me more and more understanding every day.  Of course He is.  I pleaded for understanding, and God is faithful.  He has been telling me why I was wrong.

I was wrong because Satan had disabled me and made me ineffective.  There was a spiritual battle going on inside me.  I had believed in Jesus, had repented towards God, had been baptized in water and set free from being a slave to sin, and had enjoyed numerous Holy Spirit experiences.  I had been chasing after God, loved Him and His children dearly, and had been practicing what the Church preached.  But, the Church failed to disciple me, and what I thought was "the Church" actually drove me out of their midst -- because I was actually following Jesus.  I was isolated and alone, and I wandered back into the world.  God was with me the whole time, and not once did I think He had left me, but I was not producing any good fruit that will last.  Eventually, I pleaded for understanding, so God pruned me, took out some garbage, and fertilized me so I would be more fruitful.  Thank you, Jesus!

Realizing I had been set free from evil spirits was a disconcerting and humbling experience, especially since I believed I was okay with God and doing His work.  I was naive and deceived.  That is why we need to be discipled, and that is what I am trying to do here.

I am going to talk about some of the spirits that were driven from me, but first I need to talk a bit about what is in the Bible about this.  There are numerous references to "spirits" throughout the Bible, too many to cover here.  Searching for the word spirit can provide the basis for a very good meditative study -- there are 563 occurrences in the NIV Bible.  I'm just going to talk about Jesus and Peter in Matthew 16, Mark 8 and Luke 9.

Jesus asked his disciples who they thought he was, and Peter responded that he was the Messiah.  Jesus was pleased and told them that Peter was being influenced by God when he said this.  Soon after, Jesus told them he would be killed, and Peter became upset and began to oppose Jesus.  Jesus called him "accuser," which in their language was pronounced "satan."  Peter was being influenced by the darkness at that moment, but a week later he got to see Jesus transfigured.

The point is, people are going to be influenced by evil and they are going to sin, even after being born again1 and being baptized in water and spirit.  That is why Jesus commands us to love everyone, especially sisters and brothers in Christ, and that we are to always forgive, every time we are wronged, no matter who wrongs us.  We are not to treat Satan that way, however.  We are to cast him out!  These are things we must learn and practice, if we want to experience victory.

At Neptune Beach, the beloved brother who Jesus used to set me free spoke numerous things during the process.  He basically announced the generic descriptions and names of the evil spirits he encountered, as the Holy Spirit revealed them.  I am convinced God wanted me to know what had been inside me, at least to some extent.  There was also a lot going on I knew nothing about.

Before they started, I told my brother I had never spoken in tongues before, but I had been baptized in water and had experienced what I thought was the Holy Spirit.  Hearing that, they did not baptize me in the ocean.  He told me that the Holy Spirit is a "gentleman" and does not take control of people, like unclean spirits sometimes do, so we have to start speaking in faith, and then let go with whatever comes out.  He loosely held my hands, while numerous other people placed their hands on me, including my 85-year-old mother who had just been baptized in water and spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time in her life.

When he began, he led me through a simple prayer that went something like this:
"God, I believe in You. I believe in you, Jesus. I repent, and I ask you to set me free. Come with your Holy Spirit. Fill me up, right now."
He then began speaking in tongues, and when I heard him shout, "Freedom!," I knew something was happening.  Then he said, "Sexual sin," and he cast it out.  That certainly got my attention.  He only said it once.  I thought I had been doing pretty well in that department, but since then Jesus has shown me that his standards are very high, and there were things hanging around from very early in my life.  They are gone now, but they can, and will, come back, if I let them.

I don't remember the order of the rest, and not everything was announced, but I will tell you what I remember and what I have learned since.

False Tongues -- This spirit was preventing me from speaking in tongues. I had tried it in the past, but it always seemed to be forced and fake.  That's what the spirit wanted me to think.  I actually did do a lot of, "la la la-ing" while I was being set free, and at first I was afraid I was faking it, but it was a spirit that was making me feel that way.  It took me several weeks after Jacksonville to actually learn and practice how to speak in tongues.  Being an analytical/engineer, it was hard to let go and not feel self-conscious.  My wife eventually told me that she simply did it in her head, and I said, "Oh."  The next morning, I spent more than an hour doing it in my head, and I didn't want to stop.  Now I do it all the time, and God rewards me with revelation frequently.

Anger -- I thought I had forgiven people for the things I knew about, but when it came to spiritual matters I was angry.  God's Holy Spirit fed me Truth, but the demons cloaked themselves while they fed me lies about other people and discouraged and frustrated me.  Diabolical.  A number of the blog posts I deleted seemed to be in a spirit of anger, and that is why I got rid of them.  I have since found that anger can creep in at any time, and I have to catch myself and renounce it, before it takes root.  It is a pheasant, and it can easily come back.

Religious Spirit -- I wasn't sure what that one was all about, but I have since learned, because there are a number of "religious things" I no longer do.  I got rid of my "scripture for the day" calendar.  Don't need that.  I also stopped doing daily Bible reading.  That is something I was taught to do by men as a "vital spiritual habit."  I still look at the Bible, and refer to it often, but not "religiously."  Jesus wants us to follow HIM by following the Holy Spirit.  I have discussed things about the Bible relatively recently, so you should know what I am talking about.

There is one other thing about this particular unclean spirit that is subtle but very important.  I no longer pray before I do things, as if I need to ask God to help me do something, or as if I am obligated to say some sort of talisman in order to be successful.  I certainly talk with Jesus all of the time, give Him praise and thanks, and spend more and more time in private with Him to understand strategy and tactics and to pray His Will, but the spirits that created the doubts or obligations for certain behaviors are gone.  Thank you, Jesus!  Frequently praying in tongues helps a lot, whether I do it silently, in whispers or out loud, and it helps me to connect my spirit with God's.  That is why He gave us tongues.  To be sure, when I am with other brothers and sisters in Christ, I usually feel called to pray to God aloud and in English in order to unite us and praise Him corporately.  That glorifies Him.

Bottom line:  Jesus wants me to follow the whispers of His Holy Spirit as I walk around in my life, and He doesn't want me doing things out of "religion."  He hates religion.  I think this is a big issue in the Church.  It needs to be cast out!

Legion -- Early in my walk, I became fascinated with the story in Mark 5 about the man with the "legion of demons."  Our family was staying in a hotel, and while I was swimming in the pool with my kids, I found a place that echoed, and I began quoting what the demon said in verse 9.  I am not going to say it here because I don't want to open that door back up again.  I don't believe I actually had a legion of demons in me, but one that had taken on that name was certainly there.  He's not now.  Thank you, Jesus!

Leading Mom out to be baptized.  I'm the bald one.
That's about all I remember at this point, and it should be sufficient for you to gain some understanding.  The actual experience was amazing.  I did not feel anything, really, other than hearing my own tongues and knowing that my head was tipped back.  My wife was near the shore in tears, of both shock and joy.  She had taken a picture of my mother about to be baptized, and she was about to take one of me before she realized what was happening and stopped.  She said I was yelling, and my mom said so, too.  I didn't hear any yelling, just my "tongues."  Fascinating.  At one point, I remember saying something like, "Hey, get them all out, whatever's in there!"  I think my experience was easy because the Holy Spirit was already there.  He did not come over me, like He had in the past, and like He has done since then.  This was simply "housecleaning," and I am overjoyed that it's done.  Thank You, Jesus!!!

So, I am not angry or bitter about anything, and have much more compassion and understanding now for everyone.  I saw a meme on Facebook that said something like:
Every person is going to live forever; it's just a matter of where.

The demons were telling me lies about people, but now I have God's heart for everyone.  I tremble and my heart is broken as I see people wallow in sin, without any knowledge they are heading for a cliff.  At the same time, I am constantly full of hope, and if things don't turn out as I might hope, I just hope some more, and I let Jesus deal with as much as I can.

We do not know what is in us, and we are all sheep without a shepherd, even if we have the Gospel, unless we are following the Holy Spirit.  This is why we must always love one another, pray for one another, forgive one another and forsake the temptations of this world.  We are in a war, and we must understand who is "friend" and who is "foe."  We must not get proud, or we will fall.  We must stay united, or we will be defeated.  We already have the Victory; the demons must obey us.  Let's act like we believe it.

I need to say this one thing:  The Church failed me.  I forgive them.  They did not know what they were doing.  They should have made sure I had the Holy Spirit, delivered me from any unclean spirits, and discipled me.  Like I say, I forgive them -- absolutely!  I am the Church, and this is why I am writing these things.  It is how I believe Jesus wants me to help build up the Body of Christ.  If we stick to what the first disciples did, which is written in the Book of Acts, we can avoid these problems and be effective, but our enemy is cunning, and he has been messing with the saints for hundreds of years.  We cannot fix this by ourselves, but Jesus can.  He will deal with it through us, but we must be obedient to Him, and Him alone.

Thank you, Jesus, for "pulling my bacon out of the "fire," and for giving me these experiences so I gained understanding.  You were right.  I was wrong, and you've explained why.  It's time to help others understand what they need to do to get where you want them to be.  Please help me do that.

All glory to God.  Thank you, Jesus!


UPDATE, May 31, 2022...

1This sentence was altered to reflect an update in another post.

UPDATE, January 22, 2023...

I am going to quote a similar testimony that is very open, honest, and compelling.  It was published on Facebook and I am including a link to the post here.  It happened a week after I was set free.

This screen shot is the first part of it.  I will quote all of Rachel's story, below.

Rachel's story...

June 25th 2016 : Day of water baptism
Juno Beach Park, Florida, USA

I (Rachel) was so excited to get baptized at the beach, in the ocean, one of my favorite places in the world. I was ready! I repented from EVERYTHING and I told Jesus that I wanted to follow Him no matter what His plan was. I was ready to let go of my old self completely. I was excited and kept saying how ready I was. When Torben invited those who wanted to get baptized to the front of the church, he asked us what we wanted to bury and wash during our baptism. In my head, I knew it was homosexuality and my unholy soul tie with Jessie, lust, anxiety, control, fear and anything else. Torben then asked who felt a battle inside, and I did a little bit (under all the excitement), so I raised my hand about half way, then put it down, but Torben saw me and pointed me so I knew God was telling us that I was to be the first to be baptized later.

During the ride to the beach, I prayed to God and submitted to Him all my sins and my old self. I felt the urge to get baptized immediately. We got at the beach about 45 minutes before the baptism, and I started getting a bit anxious because I knew it was near. I could start to hear Satan’s lies in my head, giving me fear. Then when people started quickly arriving from the group, the crowd grew bigger and the anxiety kicked in! I started to cry and I wanted it done right now. I wanted to be free and feel freedom and peace. I found Torben in the crowd to let him know I was in the first ones he had chosen at the church earlier, and then I got lost in the crowd again. The tears kept falling and my heart was beating fast. The group was under the pier, so we all had to move right on the beach and then the baptisms could start. I just followed the crowd, saw Torben get in the water and then he said ‘’where is the first one?’’. I ran to him through the crowd, crying and shaking. I felt anxious but so ready to be free, totally free! Torben and Ilze asked me what I wanted to wash and burry. I cried out my relationship of homosexuality, lust, control, anxiety, fear, everything! I got on my knees, and died with Christ in water.

When I got out of the water, rose with Christ, I felt empty, like nothing had happened. No more excitement, no more anxiety, but no freedom, no peace, no joy. I didn’t understand. Satan started lying to me right away. While Torben and Ilze were praying for me, I felt like it wasn't working. Satan was telling me it didn’t work, everyone was looking at me, oh no, what happened! When they asked me to speak in tongues, I just babbled anything. It lasted about 5 to 10 seconds from what I can remember. I was thinking ‘’I'm not feeling anything, why did this not work?’’. Torben went to talk to the crowd and got replaced by a man with a blue shirt, who continued praying for me with Ilze. Torben announced to the crowd that I spoke in tongues, that there was a battle going on right now and demons were manifesting themselves, so they would keep praying for me. But I didn’t hear that, and didn’t feel it either.

We stayed in the water for about 30 minutes and they kept praying but I felt doubt and confusion. Some demons manifested and came out. I remember crying a lot, and coughing. At one point, I even lifted my hand and was repeating ‘’freedom, freedom, freedom’’ to see if I would feel it, but I didn’t. I could only hear Satan’s lies to me. Then we got out of the water and sat on the beach. Other people came to pray for me. A lady with a white
t-shirt replaced Ilze. Lots of demons came out, some I didn’t even knew I had. These demons made me cry, scream, fight with my arms and legs, cringe my face, and twist my neck. At one point, I remember looking at the lady that was praying for me and laughing at her, looking at her with an evil look. The real me inside was scared. I could feel the demons inside too. So I let them out, as much as I could.

At one point, the man with the blue shirt asked me if there was something I was still holding on to. Jessie was standing in front of me, getting demons cast out of her. I pointed at her and cried. I knew Satan was making me hold on to her, even if I was ready to let her go. I was scared because she was my source of comfort and I was letting her go to jump in faith in something I didn’t know. I had never felt Jesus’s comfort, so I didn’t know what to expect. I turned around in the sand and faced the other way to stop Satan from distracting me with Jessie. A few moments later, Jessie, led by the Holy Spirit, came to tell me ‘’Let me go’’. We looked in each other’s eyes for a few seconds, and I could feel that demon inside me getting mad. The man with the blue shirt and the lady with the white shirt prayed specifically for that. I cried that demon out and then felt such a big need for physical comfort. The man with the blue shirt, while praying for me at that moment, not knowing I had that need for comfort, held my hand and rubbed his cheek against mine and said in my ear ‘’this is Jesus’’. It was the most powerful part of the whole experience for me, because I experienced Jesus’s comfort and love.

Lots of demons manifested and came out screaming, fighting, crying, coughing deeply. When a demon would come out, I felt empty and relieved, but still stuck and Satan would lie to me and make me doubt that I could receive the Holy Spirit and feel freedom and peace. I remember screaming my lungs out at one point, but my ears could not hear. I couldn’t feel my legs, and my arms and neck were numb. I remember hearing prayers around me louder and louder, telling demons to GET OUT and every time I would feel them with more intensity until they got weaker and weaker and got out.

I remember the man with a blue shirt asking me how I felt, and I was so embarrassed because now Satan was using me to make a show, get attention, which had always been something hard to deal with and let go for me. That was the old me, but Satan was using it to control my thoughts, bringing it back with force and intensity. I confessed that sin to the people who were praying for me. I told them this was all real, I was not faking, I did not want to make a show, and they could stop praying for me, that it wasn’t working, that I was wasting their time and prayers. But they encouraged me and told me they were going to stay on this beach for hours and were not going to leave until everything was out! People prayed for me for more than 2 hours on that beach. Lots of other people that I knew and didn't know came to pray for me during that time.

When the prayers were over, my friends surrounded me. I was exhausted. I felt so embarrassed, but I still felt a big relief. I started to realize that there were some things I had a harder time letting go of, like my unholy soul tie with Jessie, doubt, shame, and all of Satan’s lies. I don’t remember much from there to church because I was lost in my thoughts and Satan’s lies.

That evening, back at the church, I wanted to isolate myself. I felt so happy for everyone that received freedom, but sad because I didn't feel it for myself. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t able to do it, why I couldn’t have enough faith that I was free and just let go. I tried to read Romans 6, to see if I could relate to that truth, but my mind couldn’t concentrate. I was still waiting on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then, I saw Ilze and went to say thank you for her prayers today. She told me to pray in tongues because I could. I didn’t understand why she said that to me because in my head, Satan was telling me no, it didn’t work.

The demon of seeking attention was very present during the evening. I felt shame and embarrassment. I knew I needed prayer but didn't want to ask for it and didn't want to give Satan the chance to make a show again. Jessie asked people to pray for me even if I didn't want to. Three men started praying for me. Demons manifested themselves. When there was too much of a crowd, one of the men took me aside and asked me if there was a traumatic event from my past I needed to let go of. The only thing I could think of what maybe a lack of physical attention and comfort from my family. So I forgave them and let it go by confessing it. I also forgave myself for everything I did, all my sins. I started confessing everything to God, and finally I gave control to God of my relationship and unholy soul tie with Jessie. I felt that freedom for a brief moment. But then Satan still wanted a show and attention, and I was so embarrassed.

While the men were still praying for me, I heard another one say that I was doing it for a show. I don’t know if he actually said that or if it was Satan making me hear those words, but I felt right there the biggest embarrassment and just wanted to leave. I was actually walking away from them and tried to leave. I knew in my heart it was all real, this battle was all real and I was not faking. Satan was doing it for the attention and using that from my past against me and I believed him. I could feel the difference between my real self and the demons inside of me. When the man that had said that approached, I hid my face in my hands and turned my back to him. At that time, I felt mad at him for saying that and felt judged, but now I realize it was probably the force of the Holy Spirit in him making the demon inside of me turn away and be scared. I told them this was not for attention and that was the lie Satan was using against me to resist prayer. They believed me and prayed more for me, but I just wanted to get out of there. I even doubted my eternal salvation because I thought that if I didn't speak in tongues, I wasn't saved. I wasn't going to feel that freedom, it wasn't working for me.

Back at the hotel that evening, I realized I was free from my fear of men and from my unholy soul tie with Jessie. Even if I thought I didn’t speak in tongues, even through all the shame, I still felt some freedom. I realized how through the last days, mostly men prayed for me and ‘’got in my bubble’’, and I felt no fear, no anxiety, no discomfort. I used to be scared and very uncomfortable near men, but Jesus healed and delivered me from that. Then I realized that I viewed my relationship with Jessie very differently. She is my sister in Christ now. She’s my family, just like all the other disciples of Jesus. I felt free from that control and sadness and unhealthiness. I also started to view physical comfort from others as God showing me His love. It wasn’t another person hugging me, it was Jesus through that person. I started to experience the love and comfort of God like I never did before.

On Sunday morning, I didn't want to go church because I still felt that embarrassment from Satan seeking attention through me. I didn't want to see the people that prayed for me and feel judged because of Satan’s lies. But I still went, and it was a regular Sunday morning church worship when we arrived. I felt so uncomfortable in there, and I didn't want to be part of that setting and environment. After half a worship song, Jessie and I stepped out and sat down at tables outside the doors. The Holy Spirit was clearly telling me I needed to pray and read my bible. I read Romans 6 again and again, trying to realize how free I was and have faith in the truth. I sat at a table, in a corner, with my back turned to people because I was ashamed still. Satan kept lying to me and I kept listening. I cried and felt desperate. Jessie encouraged me to do exactly the opposite of what Satan wanted me to do. So I turned around and sat facing the people and smiled. I felt better and stronger.

Then my friends David and Mayah came to sit with us. I explained to them how I still didn't feel free, I didn't understand why I didn't feel free, and my faith was weak. Mayah explained to me that the first step was true repentance, and I really experienced that. When I ran to Torben in the water to get baptized, I felt at that moment that I was letting go of everything for Jesus. And even the demons that manifested after, I wanted to let go of them. She made me think of anything from my past that I had to forgive and let go. I thought of the lack of physical attention and comfort from my family, but I had already forgiven them and let that go. Mayah prayed for me and I felt God surrounding me with His arms and peace. That peace even entered Jessie that was sitting next to me. I felt much better. Then the next step was having faith and truly believing that I was free! That's where Satan was lying to me. That realisation was an important part in my freedom.

After eating lunch, while waiting for Torben’s message, I decided to pray by myself for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Every time I tried to speak in tongues, I felt a big knot in my stomach and throat and couldn’t get any sound out of my mouth. I thought it was a demon still wanting to come out, but didn't want to let it manifest because of what others would think around me. ‘’Look at her still doing a show!’’ was Satan’s lie in my head, so I just stopped praying and trying.

When the kickstart conference was over, we said goodbye to our precious brothers and sisters. I still felt that embarrassment and shame. I even cried because I knew I didn't have that support for prayer back home.

When we got to the hotel, I rolled myself up in my bed and cried. I felt desperate that I would not get that peace and freedom. I started to pray to God and ask Him for comfort. I continued reading Romans 6 and telling myself and out loud that I was free, that it was the truth, but I still doubted. While talking to Thierry and Jessie and seeing how much they were free, they explained to me that they knew I was going to get baptized in the Holy Spirit and I started to have more and more faith that I would.

We went to eat at the Ihop restaurant near the hotel. I heard Jessie speaking in tongues for the first time. The Holy Spirit showed me I needed to pray for the waitress. I told her I felt the need to pray for her because I could feel a deep pain inside her, and she was really happy because she was a disciple of Jesus too! We held hands and prayed together. I could see in her eyes God brought her peace through that prayer, and I felt empowered from that.

So back at the hotel, I realized I was ready for my baptism of the Holy Spirit (which I thought I didn’t have yet) and I had done everything else truly. I asked Jessie and Thierry to pray for me because I knew that with them, I was not embarrassed and they knew I wasn't faking anything. I started the prayer, asking God to set me free and fill me up, they continued, prayed in tongues, and asked me to say anything and pray in tongues too. I just started saying anything and could feel that same resistance from inside my stomach and throat. But with their encouragements, I kept talking, louder and louder. I didn't think that was it, but then they stopped and told me YOU JUST SPOKE IN TONGUES! And they were 110% convinced and sure of that. I trusted them and believed them. Then I associated that feeling with the truth and realized that I really did speak in tongues! I realized I had actually prayed in tongues in the water, after my water baptism. Torben had announced it to the crowd and I didn't hear it, so I didn't believe it and I didn't know what it was. And then the freedom hit me! … Thank God! Peace and joy overflowed my heart. I felt so relieved and everything was clear now. I casted Satan out of myself and told him to leave and realized that power and authority I had over him because of Jesus. It was surreal but normal at the same time. It wasn't as intense as I thought it would be, but it was very real.

Thierry, Jessie and I practiced praying in tongues together, to get what it felt like and cast away what was blocking us from doing it. Then we prayed for Thierry's Tourette syndrome healing and I never had so much faith. I knew he was going to be healed. I prayed with all my heart and he was delivered instantly and healed. I had so much faith and nothing could make me think that he wasn't healed. He felt the struggle, but knew we had authority over it, so it left him and he was free from that. We talked about our experiences from the kickstart weekend for hours and it felt so normal and good.

I feel empowered to save the world! This is life, this is living, and this is forever! My eyes see the world differently and everything looks brighter now. I am free thanks to Jesus!

Since then, I have baptized in water, cast out demons, prayed in tongues many times, prayed for the sick, healed the sick, am being physically healed through prayer, shared the gospel, made Jesus the priority of my life, followed the Holy Spirit in every step... I’ve been LIVING!

My name is Rachel and I am a disciple of Jesus.


Homosexuality is demonic, and it can be cast out.  Jesus can deal with anything.


Praise His Name.


Jesus tells us to love our neighbor, so that is what I have been doing.

When I wrote my Funeral post, I knew I needed to get away from the computer and go out and actually experience Jesus in real life.  I even considered getting away from this blog and my computer for a while, in order to keep my eyes on the ball.

Well, I have been out, even though Jesus keeps inspiring me to put more things on social media and this blog.  I am also spending more and more time with Him, and telling Him, "My time is Your time."  His guidance is getting clearer and clearer every day.  Thank you, Jesus!

By the way, "praying in tongues" is amazingly effective, and so it should be.  God ordained it for us to communicate directly with Him and the demons hate it because they can't understand what you and God are saying to each other.  Sorry, guys!  👿  As an engineer, I've had to get past my analytical instincts and just do it on faith.  The blessings and revelations are amazing!  If you aren't doing this, you are not getting the full benefit of what you have been given, provided you have the Holy Spirit.  Another word of advice:  Use it or lose it.  Just sayin'.  (See below for update1.)

Last year, I planted some zucchini and spaghetti squashes in my "square foot garden," and we had quite a harvest.  I blogged about it at the time, but it is one of the posts I deleted after Jacksonville.  This year, I decided to germinate all of the seeds I had left over and plant them in various open spaces in our perennial border gardens.  I wasn't sure how much would actually grow, but I gave it a shot.  I wanted our garden to "bear good fruit," rather than just look pretty.  I also left some store-bought pumpkins to over-winter in the garden, in hopes they would do something, too.

Before we left for Jacksonville, none of the seeds I planted had come up, but while we were gone the weather got hot and almost all of the zucchini and spaghetti-squash seeds sprouted.  I pruned out all but the best-performing plants, and the remaining ones have taken off.  I have lots and lots of zucchini squashes, as I had hoped, and I am giving most of them away to my neighbors, as I had planned.  We also have some spaghetti squashes coming along, but they take longer to develop and ripen.  Several orange pumpkins are visible from our living room window.

To give away zucchinis, I have been going around the neighborhood and knocking on doors.  I also flag down people who are walking their dogs, and often I just sit in our driveway with my wagon and call out to whoever comes by.  Everyone loves food and free stuff.  Hey, thinking about it, Jesus is the "bread of life," and he is free!  Amazing!

One family blessed us with a loaf of zucchini bread they made from the squash they received.  It was very kind and sweet of them.  Thank you, Jesus!  I know I have become known as "the zucchini man," and it has all been great fun.  I have talked and laughed with people I would never have met, and my "analytical/engineer" personality is being stretched to make me more like Jesus.  Hallelujah!

Three days ago, Jesus told me through the Holy Spirit to go on a zucchini run, and to go to a particular house I had not yet visited.  My wife and I did not consider the owner to be "a person of peace," but Jesus wanted me to go there.  I eventually made it before dark, after stopping at some other homes first.  (Yeah, I think I was dragging my feet.)  Here is what I put on Facebook later, when I got home:
So, I was out delivering free zucchini squashes to my neighbors this evening, and Holy Spirit wanted me to go to a particular house where I had not delivered before. When I got there, my neighbor volunteered that they had pain in various parts of their body, and I thought, "Yay! I'm going to get to pray and God is going to do something great!" So, I told them I had recently prayed for some people, and they got healed, and asked if they would like me to do it for them. They said yes, so I asked them to pick which thing they wanted me to pray for. They said, "My feet." They sat down on their front step, and I gently held their feet and prayed. They stood up and said they were better. I said, "On a scale of 1 - 10, what was the pain before?" "Ten," they said. "What is it now?" "Three." "Let's try it again." "What about now?" "It's gone, but the heels still hurt." "Well, I wasn't touching them. Let's try one more time." "How is it now?" "It's gone. Wow." I prayed for some other things, with some, but not complete, success, but they said they know where I live and we can do it some more. (There were visitors inside the house.) They said God does things in his own timing. Yes, yes he does. It topped off an amazing day. All glory to God. Thank you, Jesus!
God is good.


UPDATE February 08, 2020...

1My understanding of "unknown languages" ("tongues") has changed as I continue to learn about these things.  Some of my later posts touch on and discuss that topic.  You may want to read:  Spiritual Weapons and Tactics, Apprentice of Jesus and Holy Spirit.