
I was prompted to walk to the coffee shop yesterday.  I thought about driving because the weather forecast had a slight chance of showers and I could see a few on the radar, but the instruction was specific so I was obedient and walked.

It takes me about an hour to walk from my house to the coffee shop.  When I got there, I was offered a chair across a small table from the leader of the "non-profit" coffee-shop business.  She and another woman were playing Skip-Bo™️, a popular card game in the shop.  I sat and watched until they finished and then had them deal me into the next game.

I listened to the conversation and observed what was going on in the room.  The leader occasionally got up to serve customers because it was her usual shift, and when she did so the other player and I skipped her turn to keep the game moving.  That is why it is called "skip bo," of course!  Even with frequently being skipped, she had won all of the games.

There was an empty seat at the table which was successively occupied by one of two "special needs" young men who were visiting the shop with their "staff."  These people have significant handicaps and are supported by the Welfare State.  Part of that support includes regular escort by a paid employee of a State-of-State franchise corporation who takes them out to socialize and assists them with their day-to-day needs.  Everyone refers to this help as "staff," and there were several people in the shop with staff at that time.

I have seen "special needs" people frequenting the coffee shop ever since I started going there almost two years ago.  The drinks are free and the people are kind, so the "staff" commonly use it as a good destination to spend time with their charges.  My spiritual sibling has "staff."  I immediately realized the Father was bringing these people into the coffee shop and each one was an opportunity for healing and glorification of the Name of Jesus.

My spiritual sibling wanted to be healed.  After getting to know her and showing her examples of healing in the Bible, she came up to me, stuck out her hand, and said, "It's a deal!"  I replied, "I guess this is happening!" and off we went to a couch and I began praying for her to be healed.  Things started happening and people were amazed.  I was, too, because I had not done it very much and was pushing outside of my 'comfort zone.'

We prayed for her to walk, just like Jesus did, and we were both very determined.  I am a trouble-shooter and if things are not working I try something else.  Soon, I was using my prayer language because I did not know what was needed, ... and it worked.  Between the two of us, my spiritual sibling and I worked to free her from many things, but she did not walk.  For some reason that was blocked from happening, and it still is.

As I used my prayer language, I came under attack.1  One day as I prayed, I had an unusual headache that almost made me sick.  People in the shop prayed for me, but I did not get relief until I had gone home and laid it in front of Yeshua, who was sitting right next to The Father.  I sneezed four times and then the headache was gone.  God is good.

Many people in the coffee shop started to become uncomfortable with what we were doing.  That is not surprising because the denomination of the particular church sponsoring the coffee shop does not teach about 'Pentecostal' kinds of things.  The non-churched people did not comprehend what we were doing, but some of the churched people became hostile.  I was asked to stop, and I immediately complied.

At the time, the coffee shop leader had been out of the country on a mission trip and when she came back I was told she had received complaints about what I had been doing.  Even though I was no longer doing it, I was reprimanded.  "Stop trying to cast demons out of [my spiritual sibling]!"  We had proven to ourselves that there was a demon tormenting her because ... it spoke.  Twice.  My sibling did not say those things.

My spiritual sibling is very outspoken, and when people tried to tell her she did not have demons, she would reply, "I only have one."  I became a pariah for doing this, and am apparently still one according to some people by the way they treat me.  That's okay; it is part of the battle.

When I was reprimanded (on the day before Good Friday, of all things!), I ended the discussion by saying, "We're done," and turned to leave the establishment.  As I was about to 'wipe the dust off my feet,' I was reminded of my spiritual sibling who had temporarily left the coffee shop while I was having my 'meeting' with the leaders.  When she came back, I was gone.  She became very upset because the two people she loved the most in the coffee shop (me and one of the other leaders) were fighting.  She ended up being the catalyst to bring us back together.

Even though I had stopped using my prayer language, I continued to read to my sibling from the Bible during subsequent visits to the shop.  She had never heard those things before and was fascinated.  Soon, I began hearing criticism about even doing that!  Apparently they "did not know what I was teaching her" in their shop and we started being pressured to cease what we were doing.  We decided to leave and take our discussions down the hall.

The coffee shop is part of an indoor mall, which is comfortable year round in four-season Michigan.  We found a bench in the common area away from the shop and met together there for more than a month.  I continued to pray for her using my prayer language and we made even more progress, but she remained unable to walk and in the power chair.

Some of the people who frequent the coffee shop are 'mall walkers' who get exercise by walking circuits around the perimeter of the common areas.  They, of course, saw us and would occasionally stop and talk with us.  So would the housekeeping staff, and other people who knew us.  It became common knowledge that we were consistently there and having a great time.  God's ways are not our ways, and I was overjoyed to be used by Him.

I was able to help my sibling with many things, and eventually we realized we are spiritual brother and sister.  I am her big brother, and in some ways have been able to give her fatherly advice.  She is on good terms with her dad, but I have more insight into the spiritual matters she needs right now.

We eventually got to the point where things had significantly improved for her, but she was still unable to walk and still had her speech impediment, the two things that are most visible to people.  Her "friend" was still there, and it was still tormenting her.  I told her the next thing to try was baptism in water, and I pointed out that the church sponsoring the coffee shop does immersion baptisms.  With my encouragement, she went and asked to be baptized, and they did it for her.

What a difference that made!  She went from being tormented to being almost completely free.  She said that her friend was still there, but it was like it was hiding.  Her frantic, emotional text messages to me and her dark Facebook posts ceased.  God is good.  We moved on to other things to improve her life.

People have acknowledged that my efforts have greatly helped her, and as of the 15th of Nisan this year, she has been much more independent from me, although we still mutually crave and enjoy what we call "sibling time."  This has freed me up to work with other people, and those efforts have been noticed, too.

Which brings me back to the card game yesterday.  I was there because I had the time, and because The Holy Spirit had led me to go.  I made further observations as we played...

Someone came over and started talking about getting tattoos.  The two women I was playing with mentioned the typical side effects of that practice, such as inflamed skin, pain, and the time required for healing.  They were all very matter-of-fact about it and seemed to consider tattooing mainstream, which it is these days.  Apparently, they are not aware the practice of tattooing is something God forbade the Israelites from doing (Leviticus 19:28).  The leader of the coffee shop business has a big tattoo on her right arm.

The leader of the coffee shop is leaving today with her husband for a vacation overseas.  She 'checked in' to their flights on her phone as we played our game.

The leader of the coffee shop lives with her husband in the parsonage of the church she preaches at.  It is in a small town, and there is a well that provides both the church and their home with water.  For some reason, they have no water, and she was making inquiries about getting it fixed.

As we got near the end of our final Skip-Bo game, both women said it would be their last because they each had things they needed to do.  I took that as my cue to head home and got up to leave when we were done.  The leader answered someone's question about the time difference where she was going, and I related that when we lived overseas our small children had a hard time with that.  I wished her a good trip, and she thanked me for coming in.  I think it surprised her that I had spent time with her.

As I walked home, I chuckled.  I had all of a sudden won that final game.  God has an interesting sense of humor.

This morning, The Spirit debriefed me about the reasons for my walk to the mall yesterday.  That is His pattern, letting me know just before I get out of bed what He wants me to do during the day.

The people running the coffee shop just do not see what is plainly there.  Opportunities to heal people in the Name of Jesus are everywhere,2 but people just serve coffee and play cards.  Two of those opportunities sat at the table with us while we played the game yesterday, as I mentioned above.

Before I finished this post today, I needed a photo of the card game, so I went to the coffee shop and ended up indirectly talking about these things with someone who is beginning to have some of the same concerns I have.  We agreed the leadership is stuck in their box and does not see the opportunities the LORD is creating, and we agreed we need to continue praying for these folks and helping them understand the real game we should be playing.

I shared this meme I made at the bottom of an update to another post, and am re-sharing it here in this more prominent location because I think it is important...

I hope the people I care about will soon realize what their true job is:  to glorify the Name of Jesus by performing miracles so people will be receptive to the full and complete Good News, so that they might repent and praise our Father in Heaven.


All glory to God.

UPDATE, September 27, 2023...

Putting it another way, Jesus did not say:

"Go and serve coffee to all nations, serving only the finest beans from remote parts of the world, and teaching them everything except what I commanded you.3  And surely I am with you always, no matter what you do."

Think about it.

UPDATE, September 28, 2023...

1Added the meme I made.

2Why do people not see these opportunities?  Frankly, I think it is because they do not believe it is possible for average, everyday people to do miracles.  They think it is only for Jesus to do, and they put their faith in doctors instead.  This is all based on lies and does not line up with The Book.

I used to think that way, too.  I did not believe.  Jesus said:

"...Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”  (Mark 16:16-18 NIV)


“Unless you people see signs and wonders, ... you will never believe.”  (John 4:48 NIV)

It is crucial for people to see miracles, or they will never really believe.  They may notionally believe some things about Jesus, but they do not really and truly believe.

We must believe like a child:

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." ...  (Matthew 18:3 NIV)

Institutional churches are Babylon in modern apparel.  Most of them are operated as a corporation, a contemporary form of structure that controls the masses.

The coffee shop is operated as a corporation, too, and when I started to demonstrate what can and should be done I came under attack and was eventually driven out and controlled by those who are being used as tools of the Darkness.

Is there hope for these people?  I always have hope, and when things don't pan out I hope some more, but it can get discouraging.  Saying that, God is faithful and I work for Him.  He is going to do what he intends.  He is righteous, even if we are not.

He is developing my faith.

UPDATE, November 1, 2023...

I had a stressful day yesterday, and late in the afternoon I wanted to spend some time at the coffee shop to unwind.

When I arrived at the mall, the parking lot was pretty full.  "What's this?" I thought.  Then I remembered... Trick Or Treat.  It was Halloween.

The mall was full of parents with kids in costumes lining up at the various stores getting "treats," commercially-available candy.  The coffee shop had extra volunteer staff handing them out, too, along with free coffee for the parents.  I waded through all of this and made my way to the back of the shop to visit with friends.

As the time period for the festivities wound down, the coffee shop volunteers cleaned up in preparation to close.  They were exhausted.

This morning, I had some thoughts about this.  I am sure the folks serving the crowds for the coffee shop saw themselves as loving their neighbor, and I actually saw one of them wearing something that said something like that.  I'm sure it was fun, but was it really what Yehoshua wants us to do?

Some of the people probably noticed the coffee was free, but that would have been the only difference distinguishing the coffee shop from any of the other businesses handing out candy in the mall.  Actually, what is the difference between handing out free candy and free coffee?  Hmmm. 🤔

Did this really do anything to advance Yehoshua's cause, especially given all of the effort involved?  Was it actually "loving the neighbors," as He described it in his parable about The Good Samaritan?  Or was it conforming to the world?

The world indoctrinates children through traditions like "Trick Or Treat."  That lesson seems to teach:  Disguise yourself, chant some mantra, and you will be rewarded.  I was indoctrinated in that same way as a child and later realized what was going on, but only after I had learned The Truth and came under its influence.

We are so easily led off onto unproductive and exhausting paths.  Yehoshua's way is so much different.


UPDATE, January 1, 2024...

3 Added this link to a new post I made today about Yehoshua's commandments.  Ever since I made that update about His non-existent words, I have been thinking about His commandments.  I felt it was important to study them and share what I have learned.

Four-Drachma Coin

Are we seeing "four-drachma coins?"

After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”

“Yes, he does,” he replied.

When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own children or from others?”

“From others,” Peter answered.

“Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him. “But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”
  (Matthew 17:24-27 NIV)

When I refer to "four-drachma coins," I am talking about miracles.  Are we seeing miracles happen in our lives?  Miracles are signs from Heaven.  Jesus performed miracles, and they were his credentials from The Father.  If we are doing the things that Jesus did by following the Holy Spirit, we should be seeing miracles, too.  It tells us we are 'on the right track.'

Those who do not believe or who do not have the right heart and attitude will not see these things.

“A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” ...  (Matthew 12:39; also 16:4 NIV)

Those who do not respond to miracles by repenting will be held accountable.

"Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.” ...  (Matthew 11:21; also Luke 10:13 NIV)

And, Jesus was not honored in his hometown.

Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” And they took offense at him. ...

And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. 
(Matthew 13:54-58 NIV)

As I have learned to do the things Jesus did, I have found most people do not see those things and do not understand me.  Some people even become hostile and take offense, but I have come to terms that this is a spiritual truth and I cannot do anything about it.  If Jesus had these problems, so will I.

My hope and prayer is that those I love here in my own town and my own home will eventually understand, and that God will send others to witness to them.  They are not going to listen to me.

This is why I have included on my blog the name and location of the town where I live.  I am confident people in other parts of the world are more likely to listen to me, and I have seen evidence of this.

I suspect Wisdom has orchestrated this aspect of the spiritual battle for my overall benefit and protection.  It allows me to try things and learn without attracting a lot of overt push-back from the Darkness.  It allows me to make mistakes while I learn to be patient with people.

This reminds me, once again, of the 'volleyball metaphor.'  My college friend and I worked hard on our own to develop our neophyte volleyball skills, until we were ready to go play with the Volleyball Club.

I expect one day I will go someplace else to practice what my Master has been teaching me, but right now I am called to be in my home town.  I must honor my mother and help her in her sunset years, and her situation has dictated where I must live.  There are also many other 'signs' that show me I am right where I am supposed to be.

All glory to God.

The Lie

It is the oldest one in The Book and it is still around, because it works.

The armor of the Darkness is lies.  I discussed that in a previous post.  If we take away the armor, then we can "rob the house."  We must recognize lies and confront them so people can recognize their sins and perhaps repent.

I have been frequenting a particular coffee shop and have talked about it in updates to my Worship and Pattern posts.  It is a big part of my life right now because it is where The Spirit has me working.

The coffee shop is mainly run by women, and it is women who I mostly get to talk with.  That's fine, but where are the men?  I crave talking to anyone about spiritual matters, and it is men who I really want to talk with.  Iron sharpens iron, and there are a lot of dull blades in the shed.

I am going to be frank about my job.  At the risk of exalting myself, my job is to say, "You have sin in your life; and this is the direction we have to go."  I try to do that as lovingly as I can, and with discernment, but sometimes bluntness is necessary.  Go read Matthew 23 if you are in doubt.

The lie I am talking about is women can be in authority over men, and Jesus is okay with that.  It is a lie permeating our culture like tendrils of a disgusting fungus in our refrigerator.  It is everywhere, and we don't even notice it.

The Book is clear about this from start to finish, but many people take bits and pieces out of context to justify the lie.  In some cases, they don't even get their notions from The Book.  I have heard women mention "the unconditional love of God" many times in the coffee shop, but that adjective does not appear anywhere in Scripture.

Paul was very clear about it in 1 Timothy 2:12, and he had good reasons...

I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.  (NIV)

I care deeply about the people I have gotten to know in the coffee shop, and it grieves me to see what I see:

  • Women teaching men.
  • Women leading "seekers" astray with erroneous and incomplete "gospels."
  • Women censoring what men can say and do.
  • Women acting as though men are not necessary and are irrelevant.
  • Women who are afraid of men.
  • Women disrespecting men.
  • Women running everything.
  • Women who have divorced at least once.

I do not see men leading people in the coffee shop, and believe it is because:

  • Men are working for corporations as SLAVES.
  • Men are in their garage or in their "man cave."
  • Men are watching sports.
  • Men are in the woods hunting, or getting ready to be in the woods hunting (or fishing).
  • Men are too sick and disabled to do much of anything.

And this is what I see the church doing:

  • Operating as a corporation.
  • Promoting derivative books, pamphlets and programs that displace public reading of Holy Scripture.
  • Supporting the coffee shop financially, but being almost entirely absent from any meaningful discussions.
  • Using the coffee shop as a meeting place for their religious club cliques.
  • Promoting "following Jesus" as accepting and "loving" everyone without eventually sharing actual Truth.
  • Closing shop on Sundays so they can go meet in their clubhouses.

I am grateful for the coffee shop, and I know the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is responsible for its continuing existence.  It will be there as long as He wants it to be there.  And so will I.  This is a season.

I am looking for people who want to actually do what is in The Book.  I am looking for people who will listen to me and take me seriously, who want to see The Kingdom and actually do the work Jesus has called us to do, and that he is desperate for us to do.  I want to see people healed and set free.  I want to see people full of joy that the Bible is real, that miracles are real, and that Jesus is real.

We cannot do those things if we believe the lie.  If we do, we will continue to wallow in sin, ... until we die.

All glory to God.

UPDATE, September 22, 2023...

The Darkness promotes other lies, such as confusion about "gender."  The Book says...

...male and female he created them.  (Genesis 1:27 NIV)

... so the actual Truth is clear.

Of course, we should have compassion for people who are deceived about this, but validating that deception by trying to justify it with bits and pieces of The Book is just reinforcing the lie.

The Holy Spirit will help us help people, if we actually have Him and if we are listening to Him.

UPDATE, September 24, 2023...

One of my managers told me a humorous story.  There was a guy who got a new job, and when he showed up at his new office he found his predecessor had left a note and three envelopes in the desk.  The note said, "When things get difficult, open an envelope."  Each envelope was numbered: 1, 2 and 3.

The guy smirked and thought, "Ah, I'm not going to have any trouble."

And he didn't.  At first.  About six months into the job, however, he started to realize there was more to it than he had anticipated.  He remembered the envelopes, opened the drawer and took out the one labeled "1."  He opened it.

Inside was a single piece of paper, and on it was written, "Blame your predecessor."  So, he did.  He blamed his predecessor for all the things that were not going right, and things got better.  For a while.

About six months later, he decided to open the second envelope.  It said, "Reorganize."

So, he hired some consultants and they helped him to reorganize his department.  And things got better.  People were happy and productive, and he received a decent job performance review from his boss.

But, eventually things started to become difficult again.  He remembered the third envelope.  When he opened it up, it said, "Make three new envelopes."

My manager and I laughed, and he pointed out in the business world there are few things we can do to improve our circumstances.  Reorganization is something visible that people can see, and it can improve things if the previous organization was poor, but for the most part it is simply a way to take the attention off of our problems and distract everyone with excitement.  If the fundamentals aren't there, a new organization is not going to fix anything.

I have a friend who is passionate about their faith, and they left Michigan to pursue their calling.  They care deeply about people and have been working very hard to help those they care about in their community.  I share their empathy about the topic and would like to help, but my friend is doing things their way.

I wrote the previous update to this post two days ago, and I used the word "compassion" in what I wrote.  Later that day, I noticed my friend had just renamed their business with the word "compassion" in it.  As I woke up the following morning, I realized this apparent coincidence was a 'four-drachma coin.'  I smiled, and wished I could share this experience with my friend, but they are not talking to me right now.  I believe it has to do with what I discussed in the post I wrote today.

I pray the LORD will allow my friend to eventually understand me and let me help.  It would be so much fun. 😊